Opening Times

8.00am to 5.30pm Monday to Friday.
If you need care outside of these times and days please contact me to see
if arrangements can be made.
Over-Night care is also available
Day-time hours (8.00am - 6.00pm) £3.75 per hour
Over-night care (6.00pm - 8.00am) £5.00 per hour
including meals, snacks & drinks.
If your child is in nappies you will be asked to provide these along with wipes and any necessary creams.
If your child is on formula you will be expected to provide it. I will whizz up food that I prepare or you can provide
your own baby food.
If you require term-time only care, I charge for 39 weeks paid over 52 weeks.
Fees are to be paid weekly or monthly in advance.
Late Payment Fee:
If I have not received payment within seven days of the due date, I will issue you with a polite reminder. If I have
still not received payment by the 10th day following the original invoice I reserve the right to make an additional
charge ‘Late payment Fee’ as per our contract to cover any bank charges I may have incurred.
Please see my 'Late Payment policy'
I require a deposit of one weeks fee to secure your child's place. If you then decide not to take your child's reserved place
the deposit will be forfeited. If, for any reason I am not able to take your child as agreed your deposit will be refunded.
Holiday & Sickness
I take off a maximum of 20 days per year (not including Bank holidays). I will give you at least 4 weeks prior notice
and I would appreciate it if you could do the same.
I do not work Bank holidays or from 24th December to 2nd January
unless pre-arranged. No fees charged.
Please see my sickness policy.
Childminder sickness: no fee
sickness: full fee
Childminder holiday: No fee
Child holiday Full Fee


My Policies
This is a list of the policies & procedures that I
currently have in place:
Being Healthy
Sick Child, No
Smoking, Healthy Eating, Administering
medication, Hygiene, Sun Protection,
Toilet Training, Head Lice, Sand pit, Dental Hygiene, Pets,
Sleeping baby.
Being Safe:
Child Protection,
Dropping Off & Collection, Lost
child, Accident & Incident, Emergency
Procedure, Procedures for
Allegations of Abuse Against a Childminder, Large Garden Equipment, Alcohol & Drugs, Safety on Outings, Procedure in the Event of a Terrorist Attack or National Disaster, Swimming
Pool, Visitors in my Home, Physical
Contact, Handing Over of Responsibility
Enjoy & Acheive:
Care, Learning & Play, Language,
Observation, Television, Video games, Equal Opportunities, Special Needs,
Settling In, Special Educational
Needs, Behaviour management, Working
in Partnership With Parents, Working with other settings, Transition,
Bullying, Biting.
Making a Positive Contribution:
Equal Opportunities,
Special Needs, Settling
In, Special Educational Needs, Behaviour management, House rules, Working in Partnership With Parents, Working with other settings,
Transition, Bullying,
Biting, Complaints
Confidentiality, Complaints, Admissions,
Over 8’s, Departure, Childminder Sickness, Late Payment of Fees, Other Adults in the House, Creche, Health & Safety.